“And If All of That is Also True for a Doll …”

“And If All of That is Also True for a Doll …” Feminist Epistemology in Barbie Sami Seybold There are many unexpectedly delightful moments in the new Barbie movie. Perhaps the glowing gem at its center is America Ferrera’s raw monologue about the contradictory nature of womanhood. It is literally impossible to be a woman.…

Wonder Woman and Feminism

Wonder Woman and Feminism By Sarah Donovan When I saw the Wonder Woman (2017) film, I felt ambivalent. I have had the opportunity to apply different philosophical lenses to analyze superheroes as a contributor to the Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series, so I wondered if I could dodge the topic of Wonder Woman and feminism in this post. But every…

Wonder Woman and Philosophy

A new review from Starburst Magazine says, “Wonder Woman and Philosophy proves to be an interesting read whether you are well versed in her comic history or not. It manages to explore deep philosophical thinking without losing readers who may be new to the theories debated. For anyone interested in the greater implications of Wonder…

A Day Without The 100’s Women

A Day Without The 100’s Women Edwardo Pérez Those of us who expected a new episode of The 100 on March 8th were more than disappointed when we realized that we were going to have to wait another week. It’s unknown if  this “one week hiatus” was designed to coincide with the international “A Day…

Sons of Anarchy and Philosophy

Sons of Anarchy and Philosophy Female Violence, Feminist Care By Leigh Kolb Sons of Anarchy revolves around the chaotic yet highly methodical world of a motorcycle club and the forces around them—from law enforcement and crooked cops to gangs and organized crime rings. The entire series focuses on politics, power, violence, and authority in incredibly…

Call for Abstracts: The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy

The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy Edited by Kevin S. Decker and Jason T. Eberl  The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series   Please circulate and re-post widely . Abstracts and subsequent essays should be philosophically substantial but accessible, written to engage the intelligent lay reader. Works focusing on the five television series and twelve…

Veronica Mars and Philosophy: Interview with the Editor, George Dunn

We recently caught up with George Dunn, editor of the recently published Veronica Mars and Philosophy: Investigating the Mysteries of Life (Which is a Bitch Until You Die). George tells us about the record-breaking Kickstarter campaign which bankrolled the recent movie, talks a bit about why he loves the show, and explains why it has hidden philosophical depths. Don’t forget to read…